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更新时间:2021-12-13 14:58:05


Graduated on December 13, 2021“如果你让受过教育的人描述诗歌、艺术或音乐的意义,他们会回答:美。”

This is a highly malleable three-bedroom model, the original location of the secondary bathroom near the kitchen and restaurant is not liked by the owners, so we determined the final layout from the revised layout of multiple planes.



将现代与轻法式结合,线条是贯穿整个空间的经典装饰元素。硬装底色色系统一 主沙发橙色跳色丰富空间。普通的材质,精致的摆件搭配也可以充满美感。


The division of the area is not only the placement and elevation of the furniture but also the flat arch of the beam structure. The rectangular surface of the flat arch is rounded and the bottom is left high enough for the skirting line to run through.


Orange and blackish green are the main body color that the space jumps lubricious, they are complementary and unified on purity again, had simple sense to add a quiet and stable to the home likewise.


The modelling of double arc highlights main body, the metope of rice gray on both sides does plaster line modelling, chair of imperial concubine of collocation of yellow dermal advocate sofa, white sheet chair is placed on the side. The immovable end tables complement the table bar.

阳台打通的好处之一让阳光与室内更亲近。家的场景,可变因素可以在家具的调场里体现。贵妃椅挪到窗前靠墙面,线条被微微遮挡,不用做过多装饰 就静静在那里或小憩片刻,生活的温馨随时可以有。

One of the benefits that the balcony gets through lets sunshine and indoor closer. The scene of the home, variable element can be reflected in the adjustment field of furniture.




Foyer flat arch shape and fillet processing, both sides made embedded cabinets. The open partitions of custom cabinets are inset and facade hanging panels. Table bubble chandelier on the middle of the hall hanging pictures. Three kinds of gypsum lines make the top layer integrated.


Double track four sliding doors very narrow long rainbow glass opening and closing isolation of oil smoke into the sun. Kitchen color department gray, white, black is colorless department. High and low platform brings convenience to use.





The bay window was knocked out to occupy the position of the outside machine, and the window of the master bedroom was replaced to increase the lighting and overall sense. Floor herringbone wood grain brick. Warm grey with dark green leather bed. Bedside wall lamps allow multiple levels of lighting.

fourthSECONF LIE次卧

墨绿色床头软包平分安装,白配橙色的线型吊灯让空间连续性增强。简洁的双圈线条让空间避免一成不变。白纱微遮、光影自然洒落,这个房子的阳光让人欢喜,每一个空间都能充足的感受自然光带来的欢愉。 Dark green soft bag at the head of a bed is equally installed, and white and orange linear chandelier enhance space continuity. Concise double circle line lets a space avoid 10 not.



The bed relies on the wall to put sufficient child sense of security, desk relies on the window to present with bespoke form, did not change painstakingly child element. Herringbone wood grain brick, dark green seat, so that doing homework reading in a relaxed state to feel the fun of knowledge.

finallyREST ROOM卫生间


Separate shower area with stone tile floor, single side drainage, custom bathroom cabinet hanging installation. Cabinet body a big drawer is clean place article convenient, towel rack of brick clip niche, intelligence closestool, electric heat lets use this little space to use feeling all ready.

缩小原玄关尺寸 让厅的比例方正。增加生活阳台的使用空间,让全部的洗衣晾晒、清洁用品得以分区整理。主卫双窗户,将其一分为二,主次卫两个卫生间,原次卫舍弃,将落水管隐藏到改后的墙里。横向推动墙体,借用飘窗和空调外机让房子里每个空间都独立方正且满足合理使用和储物。

咨询热线: 023 6798 2484
营业时间: 09:00~12:00   13:00~17:00   (每周二休息)